Tag Archives: Koyama Press

OCT 3: Patrick Kyle and GG – Signing and Book Launch @ The Beguiling

Koyama Press’ Patrick Kyle & GG – Signing & Book Launch
For the new books Everywhere Disappeared and I’m Not Here
Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017, @ 7:30pm
@ The Beguiling, 319 College Street. Free to attend.

In conjunction with Koyama Press we’re pleased to announce the Toronto launch event for not one but TWO of CBC’s Fall 2017 “Canadian comics and graphic novels we can’t wait for,” Patrick Kyle’s Everywhere Disappeared and GG’s I’m Not Here!

Join us in-store at The Beguiling (319 College St) Tuesday, October 3rd at 7:30PM for a Q&A session followed by a signing with both artists. We’ll have tons of copies of both titles for your purchasing and receiving-signatures-in-said-purchased-copies pleasure (in fact copies are now available in-store!)

More details TBA!

About Patrick Kyle:
Patrick Kyle lives and works in Toronto, ON. He is the author of the graphic novels Black Mass (2012), Distance Mover (2014) and Don’t Come In Here (2016). At the 2016 Doug Wright Awards, he won the Pigskin Peters Award for New Comics #6 and 7.

About “Everywhere Disappeared”:
A keen observer of the absurd, Patrick Kyle’s stories defamiliarize the machinations of life, work and art with droll dialogue and his angular, humanely geometric drawing and sci-fi settings that recall set design more than satellite images. Kyle’s figures may be foreign, his settings strange, but his stories resonate deeply.

About GG:
GG lives and works in the small Canadian prairie city where she grew up during the 1980s. In this pre-Internet era, isolated geographically and culturally, drawing and making up stories was the means to connect to something more. It was romantic and lonely. In 2016 she was included in The Best American Comics edited by Roz Chast.

About “I’m Not Here”:
A young, second-generation woman wanders through her city and memories encountering the world through a camera’s lens; her independence pulled by the gravity of familial responsibility. She drifts until she encounters what could possibly be her potential self.



The Collected Cat Rackham Book Launch
With author Steve Wolfhard, interviewed by Emily Carroll
Wednesday, September 21st, 6pm-8pm
@ The Beguiling, 601 Markham Street
Free to attend
RSVP: https://www.facebook.com/events/1689707578017763/

Hello everyone! You are all invited to celebrate the official release of Steve Wolfhard’s “The Collected Cat Rackham”, a gorgeous new hardcover collection of Steve’s very excellent Cat Rackham comic strips, published by our friends at Koyama Press.

Steve will be at The Central on Wednesday, September 21st, signing copies of the books for all of you! He’s also going to be interviewed on stage by the wonderful Emily Carroll (His Eyes All Red), with an audio/visual presentation too!

It’s going to be a great time, we hope to see you there!


WENDY’S REVENGE – A play by Walter Scott at the Rhubarb Festival!

51VzBZoF-mL._SX359_BO1,204,203,200_Hey! We’re super-excited to let you know that Torontonian Graphic Novelist Walter Scott has a brand new piece of experimental theatre premiering at the Rhubarb Festival! Walter Scott is the author of WENDY, which is a graphic novel about art school, which is a graphic novel we all liked a great deal over here. We think you’ll like it too, and if this play is just is good, well, make sure to pick up your ticket.


WENDY’S REVENGE  February 25 // 10:00PM  // in the chamber
Wendy, an armoured space pirate, is informed by her naturopath that in order to exorcize her abdominal pain, she has to find her ex-boyfriend and kill him.
Created and performed by Walter Scott // curated by Videofag

Full event and ticket info available online at

– Chris @ The Beguiling

P.S.: Official friend of The Beguiling “Art is Hard Productions” also has a show at the Rhubarb, on February 21st as part of the “Take Your Space” Installation, 7pm-9pm.  Check that out too!

New from Koyama: Deforge, French, Kyle, Martz, Wilson


Hey gang! We’ve just received a whole new batch of comics and books from hometown favourites Koyama Press!

First up, it’s their first two kids titles, Britt Wilson’s Cat Dad & The King of Goblins, and John Martz’s A Cat Named Tim and Other Stories.



Then, Michael DeForge brings us the next installment of his annual one-man anthology, with LOSE #6! It’s darned great!



New to the Koyama Press stable of creators is Beguiling fav Renee French with her graphic novel Baby Bjornstrand .


Finally, our pal Patrick Kyle has finished his new graphic novel Distance Mover! The collected edition is published by Koyama, and it’s beautiful, and we might even have some of the individual issues left in stock too if you’re curious…

Man, what a great week for comics this has been! 😀

– Christopher


TCAF Reveals 2014 Poster by Michael DeForge


The Toronto Comic Arts Festival is proud to present its first poster image for the 2014 show, by Toronto artist Michael DeForge.

DeForge is an integral part of Toronto’s comics scene and community, and has come to international prominence for his rapidly expanding catalogue of work. In 2013 Koyama Press debuted DeForge’s first book collection of work at TCAF 2013, entitled Very Casual, and it has found its way onto many critics’ Best of 2013 lists. In winter 2014 Drawn & Quarterly will publish his graphic novel Ant Colony, and Koyama Press will debut the collection of DeForge’s acclaimed LOSE comic series at TCAF 2014 this May.

Michael DeForge posts online to http://kingtrash.tumblr.com/.

This poster, like all previous TCAF posters, will be printed in advance of the show and be available for purchase at The Beguiling and the event itself. Final design will differ. TCAF Posters from 2003-2013 are available for purchase online from The Beguiling Books & Art.

Look forward to more TCAF 2014 announcements this week!


Wednesday Double-Header: DeForge&Kyle + Comeau

prison girls launch poster rough

Featuring Lose #4, New Comics #1, Very Casual
By Michael DeForge and Patrick Kyle
Wednesday, June 19th, 7PM-8:30PM
@ The Central, 603 Markham Street

By Michael Comeau
Wednesday June 19th, 9pm-12
Eyesore Cinema 801 Queen St. W

$5 cover, includes book

Hey Toronto! You get two amazing alt-comix events on the same evening, aren’t you incredibly fortunate to live in this amazing City? Woo hoo!

First up, it’s the previously announced launch for Patrick Kyle’s NEW COMICS #1 and Michael DeForge’s LOSE #5 and VERY CASUAL trade paperback collection. The two artists will be at The Central, signing books and what not, and Chris from The Beguiling will interview them about process and comics creation.

Then! 30 minutes after that ends and 2.5km directly south, it’s PRISON GIRLS DETERRED LAUNCH, the new book from Doug Wright Award winning cartoonist Michael Comeau. $5 cover gets you a copy of the book and admission to the event, which includes a performance by Comeau’s new band New Horizzzons.



REMINDER: Michael DeForge & Patrick Kyle BOOK LAUNCH JUNE 19


Michael Deforge Debuting LOSE #5 and VERY CASUAL
Patrick Kyle Debuting NEW COMICS #1
Wednesday, June 19th, 2013, 7pm-9pm
@ The Central, 603 Markham Street

Presented by Koyama Press, The Beguiling, and TCAF

All are invited to the official Toronto launch of new work by hometown heroes Michael DeForge and Patrick Kyle! The boys will be forced on stage to discuss these new works and their impressive young careers with TCAF’s Christopher Butcher. Books New And Old available at the event!

VERY CASUAL: New from Mr. Michael DeForge after a very successful preview at TCAF. VERY CASUAL is an important new collection of DeForge’s short works, including the Doug Wright Award-winning SPOTTING DEER–it is basically impossible to get everything DeForge does, so get this handy and attractively designed compilation! $15

LOSE #5: The latest installment of Deforge’s one-man anthology, featuring 3 awesome self-contained short and more, you basically absolutely need this, come get it. $8

NEW COMICS #1: 3 all new stories by Patrick Kyle (Black Mass, Distance Mover). Awesome stuff. $8

These works as well as a selection of previous releases by these fine gentlemen will be available for sale at this event. We hope to see you there!

BOOK LAUNCH: Michael DeForge and Patrick Kyle’s New Work


Michael Deforge Debuting LOSE #5 and VERY CASUAL
Patrick Kyle Debuting NEW COMICS #1
Wednesday, June 19th, 2013, 7pm-9pm
@ The Central, 603 Markham Street

Presented by Koyama Press, The Beguiling, and TCAF

All are invited to the official Toronto launch of new work by hometown heroes Michael DeForge and Patrick Kyle! The boys will be forced on stage to discuss these new works and their impressive young careers with TCAF’s Christopher Butcher. Books New And Old available at the event!

VERY CASUAL: New from Mr. Michael DeForge after a very successful preview at TCAF. VERY CASUAL is an important new collection of DeForge’s short works, including the Doug Wright Award-winning SPOTTING DEER–it is basically impossible to get everything DeForge does, so get this handy and attractively designed compilation! $15

LOSE #5: The latest installment of Deforge’s one-man anthology, featuring 3 awesome self-contained short and more, you basically absolutely need this, come get it. $8

NEW COMICS #1: 3 all new stories by Patrick Kyle (Black Mass, Distance Mover). Awesome stuff. $8

These works as well as a selection of previous releases by these fine gentlemen will be available for sale at this event. We hope to see you there!