The following comics and graphic novels are scheduled to ship The Beguiling Books & Art on Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009. All Prices listed in U.S. Funds. Variant prices are generally accurate to what we will be charging in store, but all disputes between prices will defer to the stickered, in-store price.
Click Here For The Complete List: /091202shipping.txt
The Beguiling Recommends:
AUG091090 Go Go Monster GN 27.99
Hey, neat! This is the new graphic novel by Taiyo Matsumoto, creator of TEKKON KINKREET / Black & White! A real rarity for manga, this work wasn’t serialized and was instead released as a stand-alone graphic novel, and Matsumoto didn’t use any assistants in its construction. It’s utterly amazing, a no-quibble recommendation from us on this one. The format is beautiful too; the book is a gilded-edged hardcover with a slipcase, and even just flipping through the 500+ pages is a visual treat. Buy it!
JUL090868 Comics Journal #300 14.99
The long-awaited 300th issue of the Journal, the last before it goes to a twice-yearly format. Supposed to be a very good issue.
JUL090078 Beanworld HC Vol 03 Remember Here 19.95
So this volume of BEANWORLD? It’s actually all-new! Yeah, seriously. Nearly 200 pages of all-new BEANWORLD comics, all at once. Merry Christmas!
OCT090013 Empowered One Shot 3.99
Full colour one-shot. If you were ever curious why we recommended a book that looks like softcore anime porn, the price of your curiosity just dropped to four bucks. Pretty hilarious stuff.
SEP090774 Goats TP Vol 02 Corndog Imperative 15.00
Sci-Fi Webcomics Humour Comic in the vein of Douglas Adams, and actually quite funny. There, now you know whether or not this one is for you (I like it, personally.)
Also of note…
OCT090514 Fall Of Hulks Alpha Foh 3.99 – Marvel’s next big crossover event. Sorry, One Of Marvel’s next big crossover events… starts here!
OCT090729 Supergod #2 (of 5) 3.99 – Very good, understated first issue on this new series from Warren Ellis. Sold incredibly well too. We have a few copies left of issue #1 left if you’re curious…!
OCT090305 Sweet Tooth #4 2.99 – The fourth issue of the new series by Toronto’s Jeff Lemire. The first three issues are available, though selling very quickly!
AUG091024 North World GN Vol 03 11.95 – This is a fun little post-modern fantasy series for kids who grew up playing 8-bit and 16-bit JRPGS. Very enjoyable so far, looking forward to the third book.
OCT091099 Drawing Between Lines Short Documentary Jeffrey Brown DVD 15.00 – Kind of self-explanatory, one assumes? Curious to see it myself.
NOV060041 Akira Club HC 29.95 – Not new, but at some point we’d sold out of this classic artboook. We’ll have it back in stock this Wednesday, which is pretty awesome. If you’ve ever wanted to own one of the greatest manga/anime artbooks ever translated into English, it’s $29.95 and will be located on the second floor.
– Chris @ The Beguiling