The following comics and graphic novels are scheduled to ship The Beguiling Books & Art on Wednesday, December 22nd, 2010. All Prices listed in U.S. Funds. Variant prices are generally accurate to what we will be charging in store, but all disputes between prices will defer to the stickered, in-store price.
Click here for the complete list:
We’ve had a lot of interest and inquiry about one particular release this week, the Incal Deluxe Edition Hardcover, by Jodorwski and Moebius. This is a slipcased hardcover featuring the original art and colouring by Moebius, and it is available in a limited edition of just 1000 copies. It will retail for $99.95.
We will be getting our full compliment of copies, which means all pullfile customers and all customer inquiries to date should be covered by available stock. If you’d like one reserved for you, it will require upfront payment, and you can call the store after 11am on Wednesday morning.
Thanks for your interest, and patience.
– Christopher