Note: As of December 10th, 2010, we only have Skull Socks for Men and Women, Heart Socks for men, and D20 socks for women in stock.
Now available, it’s Pixel Socks! Spinning out of our friend R. Stevens’s DIESEL SWEETIES online comic strip, the man who gave you such awesome T-Shirts as “Jesus Helps Me Trick People” and “Bacon Is A Vegetable” is back with fun looking socks to keep your feet warm.
Available in both mens and ladies-knee-sock sizes, these are amongst the neatest things we stock. Stretchy, comfortable knitted socks patterned with all kinds of cool designs. We had a couple of trial pairs up for sale a few months back and sold out immediately, so be sure to come buy quick. Available designs include:
Pixel Skulls
Pixel Hearts
Pixel Clouds
Red Robot
Pixel D20
Pixel Squids (Ladies Knee-Sock style only!)
All socks are $7.50 a pair, and are available on the second floor. And a special Happy Birthday to our friend Mr. Stevens…!
– Chris @ The Beguiling