Announce: Igort & David B. in Toronto

An Evening with Igort and David B.
Discussing the international Ignatz publishing line
Rocco’s Plum Tomato, Plum Room
585 Bloor Street West (Enter off of Markham Street)
Saturday November 15th @ 7PM (doors open at 6:30pm)

Please join us in welcoming internationally acclaimed graphic novelists Igort (Italy) and David B (France) on the occasion of the release of their newest works, Baobab and Nocturnal Conspiracies. The evening will include a slide presentation of the authors works, an on-stage discussion and a question and answer session moderated by The Beguiling’s Owner Peter Birkemoe beginning at 7:00pm. Following the presentation the authors will be available to sign their books.

Their new titles, and many books from their backlist in both English and French are available now at The Beguiling and will be available for sale at the event (Cash and Credit Card only, no Debit at the event).

IGORT is the creator of the international publishing effort known as “Ignatz”, which simultaneously releases new comics and graphic novels in numerous languages and countries around the world. His own work for the line, Baobab, is a sprawling epic that will eventually amount to over 600 pages. With a career spanning nearly 30 years, he has created a wealth of notable comics albums. His works published in English include the first 3 installments of Baobab and the graphic novel 5 Is The Perfect Number.

DAVID B. is a founding member of L’Association, a group of French cartoonists who banded together as publishers in 1990 and have revolutionized European comics with their groundbreaking approach to format, subject matter, and style. He has received many awards, including the French Alph’ Art award for comics excellence in 2000, and he was cited as European Cartoonist of the Year in 1998 by The Comics Journal. His works published in North America include Epileptic, Babel, and several stories in the anthology Mome. He lives in France.

This event is generously supported by the Italian Cultural Institute, the cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States and the French Consulate of Toronto.