“The Spectatorial” looking for graphic fiction submissions.

Hello! We got the following note and we thought we’d share with you. They might be accepting traditional fiction submissions as well, if you’re interested.

The Spectatorial, University of Toronto’s Speculative and Genre Journal, is looking for graphic fiction submissions. We’re accepting short stories (no more than 5 or 6 pages) that fit inside speculative genres–things like horror, sci fi, dystopia, and fantasy are all examples of the genres we’re looking for. Submissions do not have to be original to the journal–if this work has been previously published (online or in print) or submitted as an academic project, it is still valid for submission.

Please contact Dan Seljak at spectatorialgraphicfic@gmail.com for more information.

Who we are: The Spectatorial is a group of student volunteers who want genre and speculative fiction to have a serious place in academics. Through the University of Toronto we publish a two print issues per year of speculative fiction work featuring fiction, poetry, nonfiction, art, and graphic fiction. For more information about who we are and what we’re about please visit http://thespectatorial.wordpress.com/