Friday 11-6, Saturday 11-7, Sunday 12-6
(Back issue bins completely unavailable during this time.)
Hey folks! The only sale we’ve had in 2008 is this Boxing Day Sale, so we hope you’ve saved a little bit of money for it. Full details were sent out to everyone on our mailing list two days back! If you didn’t get our e-mail, check your spam filter and add us to your safe-senders. Or, make sure you’re actually signed up!
1. We reserve the right to refuse sale of any item to any customer for any reason.
2. We will probably not do this, but you’d be amazed at the number of people who insist that certain things are on sale when they’re clearly not, so yeah, rule #1 (“no, the original art is not 50% off”.). Honestly, none of us can remember having to do this. We’re good people, deep, deep down. 🙂
3. Out-of-print books, comics, anime, statues, etc, are exempt to sale pricing.
4. Anything put on hold prior to Boxing Day is entirely exempt to sale pricing.
ALSO: BACK ISSUE BINS and WALL BOOKS will not be accessible for these three days. They are not on sale, they aren’t even really FOR sale. We are sorry, but we’re focusing on other product during this sale and we need the space and attention for other things. We will be having a sale on these items in early 2009, it is worth your time to wait a few weeks.
U.S. Cover Price on all Trade Paperbacks and Graphic Novels (both floors)
U.S. Cover Price on all Art Books, Erotica, Prose
20% off Stickered European graphic Novels
All DVD/Anime/Sets 10% off sticker price.
All T-Shirts are buy 3, get 1 free. T-shirts will be out and easy to browse too!
Stickered Japanese Import Art Books 20% off sticker price. (second floor)
Boxes of deep-discount anime, including about 100 discs at $1 EACH.
NOTE: None of these sales apply to OUT OF PRINT (O/P) books/items. Those are still priced as marked.
We’ve got some amazing deals on some really great books that we happen to have a little too much inventory on, so we’re hoping you can help us out with that. Some of these are brand new, some are warehouse finds, but they’re all good deals! NOTE: Quantities may be limited on some items, but we have tried to ensure at least 10 of each listed special will be available. See Prices In Store.
Apocalipstix Vol 1, by Ray Fawkes and Cameron Stewart
Bat-Manga Limited Edition Hardcover, by Chip Kidd, Jiro Kuwata
BLACK JACK Vol 1 HC, by Osamu Tezuka
Book of Leviathan, by Peter Blegvad
Dean Koontz’ Odd Thomas: In Odd We Trust
Dirty Stories 3, Fantagraphics Anthology
Dungeon Monstres Vol 1, by Trondheim, Sfar, Mazan, Menu
Dungeon Monstres Vol 2, by Trondheim, Sfar, Blanquet, Andreas
Dungeon Twilight Vol 1, by Sfar & Trondheim
Embroideries HC, by Marjane Satrapi
Final Fantasy 20th Anniversary Collection, by Various
Glenn Fabry: Monograph HC, by Glenn Fabry
Japan Edge, by Various
King Cat Classics HC, by John Porcilino
Lady Pep, by Julie Doucet
Little Nothings, by Lewis Trondheim
Lucky HC, by Gabrielle Bell
Mad Poster Book, by The Usual Gang of Idiots
Phoenix Wright: Casebook Volume 1, by Various
Playboy’s Silverstein Around The World, by Shel Silverstein
Scorchy Smith and The Art Of Noel Sickles, by Noel Sickles
Simpsons Handbook (Secret Tips From The Pros), by Matt Groening, Various
Star Wars Comics Companion, by Various
Storyville, by Frank Santoro
Strange & Stranger: The World Of Steve Ditko, by Blake Bell
Water Baby, by Ross Campbell
Will Elder: The Mad Playboy of Art SC, by Will Elder
Sale runs through Sunday at close.