Tag Archives: Otakuland

SIGNING: The Beguiling welcomes WALDER July 27

Walder – in-store signing at The Beguiling
Saturday, July 27th, 4pm
@ The Beguiling, 601 Markham Street

The Beguiling is proud to welcome French graphic novelist and concept designer “Walder” to Toronto, for a special signing event, or dédicace.

Walder is a popular illustration blogger, who has worked in animation and illustration on projects including the WAKFU tv series. He is the author of the recently released graphic album Otakuland, published by Delcourt. Walder will be celebrating the recent release of his new artbook, Walder The Art. This innovative artist mixes French graphic album and BD techniques with a strong Japanese manga and anime influence, and we think many of our regular customers will be fans of this work.

We should have copies of his work in stock in the next week or two, and we’ll update this blog post and make another posting when they are available.

This will be a very fun event, we hope you can make it!

More of Walder’s work:



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