The following items are scheduled to ship to The Beguiling in Toronto, Canada, on Wednesday November 26, 2008.
Click Here For The List: /081126shipping.txt
The Beguiling Recommends:
SEP080011 Umbrella Academy Dallas #1 Gabriel Ba Cvr 2.99
JUN080077 Umbrella Academy Apocalypse Suite Ltd Ed Hc 79.95
The second senses-shattering series of The Umbrella Academy drops this week! I really enjoyed the first series, it was a surprisingly engaging outting and beautifully drawn… Also available for those of you with some coin to spend is the first series, Apocalypse Suite, in a deluxe hard cover limited to just 1500 copies and featuring signatures by both Gerard Way and series artist Gabriel Ba.
Oh, and speaking of Mr. Ba, just a reminder that The Beguiling represents original art sales for Gabriel Ba and his brother Fabio Moon in our artstore. Check it:
Gabriel Ba:
Fabio Moon:
OCT083969 Fight Or Run #1 3.95
This is a very strange little comic from Kevin Huizenga. I’m not quite sure how I feel about it yet, but it expands upon the “video game” segments in Ganges #2 and it’s a neat object. We’ve had this for a little while, check the main floor counter for copies.
SEP083684 Mesmo Delivery Gn Vol 01 12.50
If you didn’t get a chance to pick this up in September when we had some preview copies, make sure to grab it now. This is a gorgeous book. Lots of Quitely and Darrow in there, and beautifully coloured as well. Story’s solid too. A great use of 12 bucks.
SEP084323 Tezukas Black Jack Tp Vol 02 16.95
I have no idea why this is coming out this week, and the HC is not accompanying it. Still, that first volume was just plain awesome, and I’m looking forward to volume 2. I’m just not particularly looking forward to waiting for the hard cover. But I will.
SEP084033 Comics Journal #294 11.99
This month’s issue of The Journal features a big cover interview with our friend Jason which should be quite good. Other features include interviews with Mark Tatulli, Will Elder, Dave Stevens, Steve Gerbert, and Gary Groth’s 2002 interview with Golden Age cartoonist Creig Flessel. Check out an excerpt of the Jason interview here.
Also of Note:
AUG080132 Batman #681 Rip (Note Price) 3.99
It’s the final installment of BATMAN: RIP. Will Batman live or die? I have no idea. I’ve heard rumours. Strange, strange rumours.
SEP082218 Body Bags (One Shot) 5.99
Jason Pearson returns to his cult-classic series BODY BAGS in this all-new one shot. I imagine that a lot of folks have been waiting patiently for 6 or 7 years for this one…
AUG080025 Buffy The Vampire Slayer #19 2.99
Yes folks, the next issue of Buffy is finally available. It’s the conclusion to the FRAY arc and it shoulda been out 2 months ago, what are ya gonna do?
AUG083694 Tales To Suffice #1 3.95
This one has a great cover and a great description, so I’m curious about it. I haven’t read it yet, but how can you not love this:
Yes, you – with the nice teeth and discriminating taste in graphic literature. Do you crave ACTION? SUSPENSE? ROMANCE? Introducing TALES TO SUFFICE, an ALL-NEW, ALL-THRILLING anthology series guaranteed to knock your socks off. DAMSELS IN DISTRESS!! MEN IN TIGHTS!! ZOMBIES IN NECKTIES!! Everything you ever loved about comic books, mercilessly skewered for YOUR amusement! Five senses-shattering stories for the paltry price of one, and SURE to be a collector’s item – So stock up on copies while they’re still cheap!
JUL082211 Walking Dead #55 2.99
True to his word, it looks like Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman really is working hard to get his flagship series back on track. This is the third issue in 2 months, and the series has really been singing lately too. I think we’ll even get another collection soon too.
OCT080001 Previews Vol Xviii #12 (Net) 4.50
New Previews this week.
AUG080238 Sloth Tp 14.99
The softcover edition of Gilbert Hernandez’s Vertigo original graphic novel.
OCT083781 Tiger Tiger Tiger Gn 14.95
Another brand-new graphic novel from the prolific Scott Morse.
– Chris @ The Beguiling