The following comics and graphic novels are scheduled to ship The Beguiling Books & Art on Wednesday, November 17th, 2010. All Prices listed in U.S. Funds. Variant prices are generally accurate to what we will be charging in store, but all disputes between prices will defer to the stickered, in-store price.
AUG101118 After Dark #2 (of 3) 4.99
SEP100373 Angel #39 3.99
SEP100374 Angel #39 10 Copy Incv 6.00
JUL100486 Artifacts #3 (of 13) Cvr A Andrasofszky 3.99
JUL100487 Artifacts #3 (of 13) Cvr B Christopher 3.99
MAR100393 Astounding Wolf-man #25 4.99
SEP100579 Avengers #7 3.99
SEP100580 Avengers #7 Blank Cover 3.99
SEP100581 Avengers #7 M Djurdjevic Gatefold Var 30.00
SEP100582 Avengers #7 Mcguinness Var 15.00
SEP100583 Avengers #7 Peterson Tron Var 15.00
SEP100176 Azrael #14 2.99
SEP100164 Batman #704 2.99
SEP100156 Batman Incorporated #1 3.99
SEP100158 Batman Incorporated #1 Sketch Var Ed 40.00
SEP100157 Batman Incorporated #1 Var Ed 15.00
SEP100172 Batman Streets Of Gotham #17 3.99
AUG100143 Batman The Return #1 4.99
AUG100144 Batman The Return #1 Var Ed 15.00
SEP100957 Boys Highland Laddie #4 (of 6) 3.99
SEP100194 Brightest Day #14 2.99
SEP100195 Brightest Day #14 Var Ed 6.00
SEP100598 Chaos War Chaos King #1 3.99
SEP100601 Chaos War Dead Avengers #1 (of 3) 3.99
AUG101132 Clint #2 6.99
SEP100659 Daken Dark Wolverine #3 2.99
SEP100900 Darkwing Duck #6 3.99
JUL100764 Days Missing Kestus #1 (of 5) 3.95
SEP100241 DC Comics Presents Batman #2 7.99
SEP100228 DC Universe Legacies #7 (of 10) 3.99
SEP100562 Deadpool Corps #8 2.99
SEP100674 Deadpoolmax #2 3.99
SEP100902 Donald Duck And Friends #360 2.99
APR100455 Elephantmen #28 3.50
JUL101036 Ethan #1 2.99
SEP100880 Farscape Ongoing #13 -JIM LANG 3.99
SEP100881 Farscape Scorpius #7 -JIM LANG 3.99
JUL100129 Flash #6 (brightest Day) 2.99
JUL100130 Flash #6 Var Ed (brightest Day) 6.00
SEP100362 George Rr Martins Doorways #1 (of 4) 3.99
AUG101106 Ghost Projekt #5 (of 5) 3.99
SEP100945 Green Hornet Blood Ties #2 3.99
SEP100950 Green Hornet Parallel Lives #5 3.99
AUG100117 Green Lantern #59 (brightest Day) 2.99
AUG100118 Green Lantern #59 Var Ed (brightest Day) 6.00
SEP100202 Green Lantern Corps #54 (brightest Day) 2.99
SEP100203 Green Lantern Corps #54 Var Ed (brightest Day) 6.00
JUN100462 Haunt #11 2.99
SEP100307 Hellblazer #273 2.99
SEP100038 Hellboy Double Feature Of Evil One Shot #1 Corben Cvr 5.00
SEP100037 Hellboy Double Feature Of Evil One Shot #1 Mike Mignola Cvr 3.50
SEP100618 Heroic Age Villains #1 3.99
SEP100620 Hulk #27 3.99
SEP100291 Ides Of Blood #4 (of 6) 3.99
SEP100634 Iron Man Rapture #2 (of 4) 3.99
SEP100212 Justice League Of America #51 3.99
SEP100213 Justice League Of America #51 Var Ed 6.00
SEP100390 Kill Shakespeare #7 (of 12) 3.99
JUL100770 Killer Modus Vivendi #5 (of 6) 3.95
AUG100937 Last Phantom #3 3.99
SEP100385 Last Unicorn #6 (of 6) 3.99
SEP100386 Last Unicorn #6 (of 6) 10 Copy Incv 6.00
SEP100223 Legion Of Super Heroes #7 3.99
SEP100626 Marvel Super Action #1 9.99
SEP100441 Mice Templar Sketchbook #2 2.99
JUL100800 Mindfield #4 2.99
SEP100493 Morning Glories #4 3.50
SEP100394 Motel Hell #2 (of 3) -JOE 647-896-2123 3.99
SEP100232 Nightmaster Monsters Of Rock #1 2.99
SEP100312 Northlanders #34 2.99
JUN101032 One #2 (of 5) 2.99
SEP100577 Osborn #1 Big (of 4) 3.99
SEP100578 Osborn #1 Jrs Goblin Var Big 10.00
SEP100383 Phoenix Without Ashes #4 (of 4) 3.99
SEP100233 Power Girl #18 2.99
SEP100293 Ratchet And Clank #3 (of 6) 3.99
SEP100868 Simpsons Comics #172 2.99
SEP101089 Sixth Gun #6 3.99
JUL101037 Skeleton Story #2 (of 5) 2.99
SEP100575 Spider-girl #1 Big 3.99
SEP100227 Spirit #8 3.99
SEP100887 Stan Lee Soldier Zero #2 3.99
SEP100888 Stan Lee Soldier Zero #2 10 Copy Incv 6.00
SEP100550 Stand Hardcases #5 (of 5) 3.99
SEP100187 Supergirl #58 2.99
SEP100188 Supergirl #58 75th Anniv Var Ed 10.00
SEP100678 Superior #2 (of 6) 2.99
AUG108037 Superior #2 (of 6) Mcniven Var (pp #939) 15.00
SEP100185 Superman #705 2.99
SEP100186 Superman #705 Var Ed 6.00
SEP100189 Superman Batman #78 2.99
SEP100645 Thor First Thunder #3 (of 5) 3.99
SEP100648 Thunderbolts #150 4.99
SEP108011 Thunderbolts #150 Zircher Var (pp #942) 10.00
SEP100273 Tiny Titans #34 2.99
SEP108013 Uncanny X-force #1 2nd Ptg Opena Var (pp #942) 3.99
SEP100302 Vertigo Resurrected The Extremist #1 7.99
SEP100933 Warlord Of Mars #2 3.99
SEP100934 Warlord Of Mars #2 25-copy Campbell B&w Incv 10.00
JUN100477 Whatever Happened To Baron Von Shock #4 3.99
JUL101047 Whispers In Walls #4 (of 6) 3.50
SEP108012 Wolverine #2 2nd Ptg Guedes Var (pp #942) 3.99
SEP100295 World Of Warcraft Curse o/t Worgen #1 (of 5) 2.99
SEP100660 X-23 #3 2.99
SEP100669 X-factor #211 2.99
SEP100296 X-files 30 Days Of Night #5 (of 6) 3.99
SEP100661 X-men #5 3.99
SEP100662 X-men #5 Medina Var 3.99
SEP100236 Zatanna #7 2.99
SEP100727 Agents Of Atlas Vs TP 19.99
AUG100068 Archie Firsts HC Vol 01 24.99
AUG100767 Awakening HC Vol 02 24.95
JUL100190 Batman And Robin Deluxe HC Vol 02 Batman Vs Robin 24.99
AUG100220 Batman Brave And Bold Fearsome Fang Strikes TP 12.99
JUL101044 Best American Comics HC 2010 23.00
SEP100722 Captain America 1940s Newspaper Strip TP 14.99
SEP100696 Captain America New Deal Premiere HC 24.99
AUG100381 Captain Stupendous TP 17.99
SEP101022 Castle Waiting HC Vol 02 29.99
SEP100895 Cbgb TP 14.99
JUN100404 Dan Brereton The Goddess & The Monster HC 29.99
JUN100405 Dan Brereton The Goddess & The Monster HC S/n Remarked Ed 50.00
SEP100721 Daredevil Bendis And Maleev Ultimate Coll TP Bk 03 34.99
SEP100716 Deadpool TP Vol 04 Monkey Business 15.99
AUG100729 Diary Of A Wimpy Kid HC Vol 05 13.95
APR100063 Eerie Archives HC Vol 05 49.99
SEP100730 Essential Avengers TP Vol 05 New Ed 19.99
JUL100233 Ex Machina Deluxe Edition HC Vol 04 29.99
JUL100251 Fables Deluxe Edition HC Vol 02 29.99
SEP100715 Fantastic Four By Jonathan Hickman TP Vol 02 15.99
JUL101227 Girl Illustrated Japanese Manga Anime Vg Characters 29.95
AUG100768 God Machine HC 24.95
JUN100035 Grandville Mon Amour HC 19.99
MAY100920 Grant Morrison 18 Days 24.99
SEP100411 Great Treasury Of Christmas Comic Book Stories HC 34.99
AUG100268 Greek Street TP Vol 02 Cassandra Complex 14.99
AUG100202 Green Arrow Black Canary Five Stages TP 17.99
JUL100366 Grimms Fairy Tales HC Vol 01 16.99
MAY100448 Hack Slash TP Vol 08 Super Sidekick Sleepover Slaughter 18.99
JUN101066 Hardy Boys Box Set Vol 17 – 20 29.99
SEP101110 Hewligans Haircut GN S&s Ed 11.99
MAY101117 Icons DC & Wildstorm Art Of Jim Lee HC Px Ed 49.95
SEP100389 James Pattersons Murder Of King Tut TP 24.99
JUL100926 Kevin Smith Kato TP Vol 01 Not My Fathers Daughter 19.99
SEP101100 Last Days Of American Crime TP 14.95
JUL100191 Legion Of Super-heroes Great Darkness Saga Dlx HC 39.99
JUN101111 Lenore Cooties Px HC Color Ed 24.95
JUL100374 Lil Abner HC Vol 02 49.99
AUG101014 Little Maakies Prairie HC 19.99
JUL101045 Little Prince GN 19.99
AUG101018 Littlest Pirate King HC 16.99
OCT100426 Mario Acevado Felix Gomez Chinatown Trollop TP 17.99
SEP100907 Mickey Mouse On Quandomai Island TP 9.99
AUG101257 Moonshine Brewed On Dark Side Of Dreamworks SC 19.95
AUG100760 Mouse Guard Legends o/t Guard HC 19.95
JUL100058 Pop Wonderland HC Vol 04 Cinderella 16.99
MAY100650 Powers TP Vol 13 Z 24.99
SEP100692 Punisher HC Franken-castle 39.99
SEP100710 Realm Of Kings TP 34.99
SEP100782 Return o/t Dapper Men HC 24.95
AUG100380 Rocketeer Complete Collection Dlx Ed HC Vol 01 75.00
JUL100036 Savage Sword Of Kull TP Vol 01 19.99
SEP101090 Scott Pilgrim Precious Little Box Set 72.00
JUL100030 Serenity Shepherds Tale HC 14.99
JUL101263 Shazam Golden Age Of Worlds Mightest Mortal HC 35.00
SEP100403 Shockrockets HC 24.99
AUG100206 Showcase P Green Lantern TP Vol 01 New Ptg 19.99
SEP100707 Siege TP X-men 15.99
SEP101197 Sophie Crumb Evolution Of A Crazy Artist HC 27.95
AUG101260 Spectrum HC Vol 17 39.95
SEP100726 Spider-man Complete Clone Saga Epic TP Book 04 39.99
SEP100095 Star Wars Dark Times TP Vol 04 Blue Harvest 17.99
JUL100205 Superman Last Stand Of New Krypton HC Vol 01 24.99
SEP100724 Supreme Power Hyperion TP New Ptg 19.99
AUG100978 Tron Betrayal GN 9.99
SEP100413 Walking Dead TP Vol 13 Too Far Gone 14.99
JUL101018 What I Did HC 24.99
JUN101278 Gothic & Lolita Bible #35 28.99
AUG101185 Dragon Sword And Wind Child SC Novel 13.99
SEP100989 Itazura Na Kiss GN Vol 04 16.95
SEP100994 Kiss Blue GN Vol 02 (of 2) 12.95
MAY101149 Mega Man Megamix Vol 03 (of 3) 12.95
AUG101184 Ouroboros Wave SC Novel 14.99
AUG101213 Real GN Vol 09 12.99
AUG101183 Saturn Apartments TP Vol 02 12.99
JUL100972 Treasure GN Vol 01 12.95
SEP100987 Yashakiden Demon Princess Novel Vol 03 (of 4) 19.95
SEP101753 Sekirei Comp Ser DVD 47.95
SEP100287 Assassins Creed The Fall #1 (of 3) 3.99
SEP101113 Atomic Robo Deadly Art Of Science #1 (of 5) 3.50
SEP100169 Batman Catwoman Follow The Money #1 4.99
SEP100169 Batman Catwoman Follow The Money #1 -HOCHEANDERSON 4.99
SEP100181 Batman Confidential #50 (note Price) 4.99
SEP100613 Captain America Man Out Of Time #1 (of 5) 3.99
AUG100889 Donald Duck And Friends #359 2.99
SEP100217 Doom Patrol #16 2.99
SEP100632 Iron Man Thor #1 (of 4) 3.99
SEP100309 Izombie #7 2.99
SEP100216 JSA All Stars #12 3.99
SEP108107 Mouse Guard Legends o/t Guard #4 (of 4) 3.50
SEP108108 Okko Cycle Of Air #4 (of 4) 3.95
MAR100972 Route Des Maisons Rouges #1 (of 4) 2.99
JUN108052 Scarlet #1 2nd Ptg Maleev Var -DAN PAGE 3.95
SEP100675 Scarlet #3 3.95
SEP108109 Secret History Book 12 5.95
SEP100182 Superboy #1 2.99
SEP100237 Thunder Agents #1 3.99