Shipping June 29th, 2011

The following comics and graphic novels are scheduled to ship The Beguiling Books and Art on Wednesday June 29th, 2011. All Prices listed in U.S. Funds. Variant prices are generally accurate, but all discrepancies between listed prices below and in-store prices will defer to in-store prices.

Click here for the complete list:

The Beguiling Recommends:

MAR110294 Batman Incorporated #7 2.99
APR110497 Butcher Baker Righteous Maker #4 2.99
MAR110961 Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep #24 (Of 24) 3.99
APR110612 Ff #5 2.99
APR110288 Rocketeer Adventures #2 (Of 4) 3.99
APR110254 Scalped #50 2.99
APR111124 Sixth Gun #12 3.99
APR110520 Skullkickers #8 2.99
APR110522 Super Dinosaur #3 2.99
APR110637 Uncanny X-Men #539 3.99
APR110524 Walking Dead #86 2.99
APR110397 Witch Doctor #1 (Of 4) 2.99

FEB11129 Goth Loli Vol 16 21.80
FEB111300 Gothic & Lolita Bible #37 33.00

MAR111169 I Am Legion Sc 19.95
MAR111170 Incal Classic Collection HC (Humanoids Ed) 44.95
FEB111168 Lucille GN 29.95

– Chris @ The Beguiling