Shipping February 17th, 2010

The following comics and graphic novels are scheduled to ship The Beguiling Books & Art on Wednesday, February 17th, 2010. All Prices listed in U.S. Funds. Variant prices are generally accurate to what we will be charging in store, but all disputes between prices will defer to the stickered, in-store price.

Click here for complete list: /100217shipping.txt

…a couple of announcements
Comics are in fact shipping this Wednesday. Despite Family Day and President’s Day, there is no delay this week.
– Due to an order-entry error, last week we ended up really, really short on copies of:
DEC090045 BPRD King Of Fear #2 (of 5) 2.99
DEC090150 Secret Six #18 (blackest Night) 2.99
Our replacements are arriving this week.
– I don’t know if you know this, but it was snowing like CRAZY last week in the northeastern United States. So much so that our biggest distributor, Diamond, was actually closed for a bunch of the week. Consequently this is one of the smallest ship-weeks we’ve ever had. It’d be a good week to try a new book, and we’ll be racking a bunch of recent releases that we recommend in with this week’s new books.
The Beguiling Recommends:

NOV090779 Almost Silent HC 24.99
– Hey look, it’s a collection of 3 different graphic novels by Norwegian cartoonist Jason that have been out of print for a very long while. Includes Tell Me Something, Meow Baby, the Frankenstein-thriller You Can’t Get There From Here, and the hilarious and harrowing zombie story The Living and The Dead. Easily our pick of the week.

DEC090274 Joe The Barbarian #2 (of 8) 2.99
– Liked the first issue, hoping for a little more meat outta this one.
DEC090685 Ignition City HC Vol 01 27.99
DEC090686 Ignition City HC Vol 01 Dual Sgn Ed 49.99
DEC090684 Ignition City TP Vol 01 19.99
– Three different flavours of Warren Ellis’s space-pulp homage.
DEC090575 Kick Ass Prem HC 24.99
DEC090576 Kick Ass Prem HC Dm Ed 24.99
– It’s finally out, congrats!
NOV090061 Mesmo Delivery GN Vol 01 9.99
– This is the new Dark Horse edition of the spectacular-looking graphic novella by Rafael Grampa, about two truckers getting into some serious trouble. Visually stunning.
DEC090875 Skim GN 12.95
– Oh neat, this is the week that non-Canadian stores get exposed to SKIM, the phenomenal debut graphic novel from Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki. I… hope… that most Canadian customers have already read this poignant little story about first love, but if not, here’s another reminder to check it out.
– Chris @ The Beguiling