SECONDS and THROUGH THE WOODS on sale Tuesday!


The moment you’ve all been waiting for is finally here! Two of the most-anticipated books of the past few years will be available for sale Tuesday morning at 11am!

Emily Carroll shot to fame online for her amazing webcomics stories, including the multiple-award-winning horror short ‘His Face All Red.’ Now, her first collection Through The Woods sees ‘His Face All Red’ joined by 4 brand new short stories for a chilling new collection! Available in paperback and hard cover. And don’t forget the launch event tomorrow night at 7pm!

And we’re pretty sure our friend Bryan Lee O’Malley needs no introduction… but just in case: Dude wrote the six volume Scott Pilgrim series, which is amazing and was adapted into a feature film and our last few events with this fella have had hundreds, sometimes thousands, of people show up. Seconds is his highly-anticipated follow-up, and while it’s a very different book we’re sure Scott Pilgrim fans, and newcomers to his work, are gonna love it. And if you buy it from us, you get a free ticket to his event at the Bloor on July 30th!

Both of these books are great, both go on sale tomorrow, don’t miss them. 🙂

– Chris @ The Beguiling