Sammy Harkham’s Poor Sailor

There’s a lovely little graphic novella called POOR SAILOR, by Kramers Ergot Editor Sammy Harkham that you probably should’ve seen by now. It was originally printed in a volume of Kramers, and then produced as a very handsome mini-comic, before getting a very handsome hardcover release. It’s quite good.
Well just recently, Poor Sailor appeared in a fourth format–as a webcomic! The entire story has just finished being serialized online at the website What Things Do, a treasure trove of fantastic art comix. If you’ve never read it, I humbly recommend checking it out, it’s great:
Poor Sailor @ What Things Do:
As a reminder to our customers, we probably have Poor Sailor in stock in one of its formats at any given time, including in some of the rare, out-of-print volumes of Kramers Ergot that we just happen to still have stock on. For availability you can ask Peter on the main floor, or email
Also as a reminder, The Beguiling proudly represents the original art sales of Mr. Sammy Harkham, including all of the remaining original art from Poor Sailor. You can see all of Sammy’s originals that are available for sale at Shown above is a panel from Page 5, which runs about $170.
– Chris @ The Beguiling