Presenting: AXE COP @ TAAFI!


Axe Cop Premiere and Skype Q&A
w Ethan and Malachai Nicolle from Los Angeles
(Moderated by Mike Valiquette of Canadian Animation Resources)
Sunday, July 28, 2013 at 10:00am
TIFF Bell Lightbox, TIFF Cinema 2
Tickets $15.

axe_cop_1200pxThe Beguiling Books & Art and The Toronto Comic Arts Festival are proud to partner with TAAFI, The Toronto Animation Arts Festival International, for the premiere of AXE COP, based on the graphic novel by Ethan and Malachai Nicolle.

Developed as a webcomic between 29-year-old Ethan Nicolle and his 5-year-old brother, Malachai, AXE COP has evolved into a world-wide phenomena. Fox TV just picked it up as a late-night cartoon and it premieres on the Saturday night of TAAFI! TAAFI will show that first episode, followed by a live Skype interview with Ethan and Malachai from L.A. lead by Mike Valiquette (Canadian Animation Resources).

Get A Discount! To receive a 10% discount on TAAFI Passes, use the code BEGUILINGTAAFI2013 at checkout!

Thanks to the folks at TAAFI for the opportunity to be a part of this amazing event! If you want to get caught up on all of the great AXE COP comics and graphic novels, copies of all books are currently in stock at The Beguiling!


TAAFI is Toronto’s first and foremost international animation festival, developed to celebrate the many forms of animation from around the world, supporting and nurturing the community that creates this art form. July 26-28 Corus Quay & TIFF Bell Lightbox. More info at