Breaking with our tradition of ‘not carrying stuff like this,’ we’ve opened our arms and hearts to embrace a select assortment of merchandise tying into Doctor Who (and one Firefly item). Why? Possibly our hearts grew three sizes a little while back, possibly we were informed that no one in the city was really carrying them. Who can say? But yeah, just in time for Christmas, in fairly limited quantities.
Doctor Who:
10th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver (David Tennant), $29.99
11th Doctor Sonic Screwdriver (Matt Smith), $29.99
Future Sonic Screwdriver (Alex Kingston), $29.99
Adipose Stress Toy, $24.99
Tardis 4-port USB Hub, with ‘Flashing Lantern & Tardis Sounds’, $39.99
Firefly Builder Plaque Stickers, $10.00
– Christopher
Edit: Sold out of Tom Baker! Sorry!