Now In Stock: Black Church, Wolves, & The Mire

Who likes kick-ass, self-published comics!?

New in the store is BLACK CHURCH, the graphic novella by Andy Belanger! This story was conceived of by Belanger and then adapted into the video game of the same name at this year’s TCAF! It’s 40 pages of METAL comics, complete with a hand-silk-screened carrying case. $10.

And we’ve Fiiiiiinally got Becky Cloonan’s killer new mini-comics back in stock (our bad)! WOLVES and the TCAF 2012 debut THE MIRE are now available, and they are also totally awesome! They’re just $5 each and come with silkscreened covers too!

Both are available on the main floor, don’t miss out!

– Chris @ The Beguiling