MARCH 4: Seth & Michael DeForge at U of T

MAKING HISTORY: The Cartoon Worlds of Seth
Saturday March 4, 2017 @ 2:00 PM

University of Toronto, Jackman Humanities Building, Room JH 100
170 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario
Free to attend – Tickets Required! Get your tickets at:

Sponsored by The Graduate English Association (GEA) in the Department of English at the University of Toronto is working in collaboration with the Beguiling Books & Art and the Portcupine’s Quill.

SETH · cartoonist · illustrator · book-maker · designer · model-builder · installation artist

For decades Seth has been making and re-making histories – often uniquely Canadian histories – while cultivating a distinctive graphic style that calls to mind a golden age of cartooning. In comics and illustrations, in published sketchbooks, in gallery installations, on New Yorker covers, Seth gives substance to an imagined past that hovers at the edge of memory.

The historical inventions and interventions of his work draw attention to the representation of the past, and in doing so reveal the amount of the artifice involved in the construction of history. By allowing his readers to explore a vividly rendered, materially rich collection of overlapping cartoon worlds, Seth makes tangible a complicated longing for the past.

Join Seth and fellow cartoonist Michael DeForge for a discussion about comics, world-building, and capturing the past.

Also featuring: short talks by Tom Smart, curator and author of Palookaville: Seth and the Art of Graphic Autobiography, and Andrew Lesk, editor for the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics and past president of the Canadian Society for the Study of Comics. Hosted by Daniel Marrone, author Forging the Past: Seth and the Art of Memory.