The accolades continue to pour in for Maurice Vellekoop and his brand new comics project The World of Gloria Badcock #1! Most recently Maurice and Gloria were featured in a sprawling article in The Advocate, the top gay culture magazine in North America. You can see the whole profile and samples from the book here.
The World of Gloria Badcock #1 is not currently available for sale online, and it is cost-prohibitive for us to ship them from our website (shipping would cost more than the comic…), so we want to help our online friends out. From now through the end of February, anyone ordering either Vellekoop’s A NUT AT THE OPERA (D&Q) or PIN-UPS (Green Candy) will get a copy of The World of Gloria Badcock #1 included with their order for free! Just order one of the two convenient bundles from our online store:
Pin-Ups + Gloria Badcock
A Nut At The Opera + Gloria Badcock
If you’re in-store, we’ll honour this deal as well… even though it won’t be marked! So you’ll have to mention it at the counter when you’re signing out. Think of it as a ‘secret sale’.
– Christopher