Held the last Wednesday of every month at The Victory Café on Markham St., Comics Industry Night is a chance for comics professionals and fans to meet and greet, usually whilst celebrating the release and launch of new work.
Wednesday, March 26th, 7pm-10pm
The Victory Café, 581 Markham Street
(Just south of The Beguiling, near Bathurst and Bloor)
This month Comics Industry Night is proud to celebrate the launch of two great books featuring talented Canadian comic artists.
NEGATIVE BURN #17 features the short graphic novella “Growing Up With Comics” by Ron Kasman and R.G. Taylor. It tells the story of the comic book culture in Toronto in the 1950s, 60s and 70s then on into the present day. Touching on many Toronto comics landmarks, the story is like a walk down memory lane for long-time comics fans and an introduction to Toronto’s rich comics history for newcomers to the medium.
THE COMIC EYE is a new book-length anthology of comics… about comics! Published and Edited by Hamilton’s Mark Innes, the book features 50 autobiographical strips by 50 different creators, running the gamut from Fred Hembeck and Matt Feazel to Bernie Mierault and Nick Craine (and Mssrs. Kasman and Taylor make an appearance as well).
Many of the creators will be in attendance including Kasman, Taylor, and Innes, and the evening will include presentations from both works. It should be an entertaining evening! Hope to see you there!
– Chris @ The Beguiling
P.S.: We’re aware that this conflicts with the SKIM launch scheduled for that evening and we’re sorry about that! We’d booked this event back in December and there’s no changing it. Still, that just means that no matter what kind of comics you’re into there’s something to do that Wednesday, so get out there!