The Beguiling is proud to announce that we will be featuring two signings with author Helen McCarthy at our booth at Anime North! Helen McCarthy is the author of numerous books on manga and anime, including THE ART OF OSAMU TEZUKA, GOD OF MANGA and HAYAO MIYAZAKI: MASTER OF JAPANESE ANIMATION.
Helen McCarthy will be signing at The Beguiling’s booth Saturday, from 1-2 pm, and Sunday, from 10-11 am.
Helen McCarthy is a wonderful author and resource on Japanese manga and anime culture, and is an official guest of Anime North 2011. She will be appearing at numerous panels and signings over the course of the three-day convention. For more information on Ms. McCarthy’s schedule, please visit the Anime North website.
Our thanks to Ms. McCarthy and Canadian Manda Group for this wonderful opportunity.
– Chris @ The Beguiling