The University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies is offering a graphic novel course this fall, and if you’re looking for an academic approach to writing about–or creating–comics, it might just be for you! Here’s the description:
Using Scott McCloud’s brilliant and visionary Understanding Comics as a guiding text, we will explore what makes the comic book medium so popular and unique. A variety of examples and genres will be studied such as Herge’s Tintin, Art Spiegelman’s Maus, and Alan Moore’s V For Vendetta. The medium of comics possesses magic and masterpieces all of its own; veteran enthusiasts and those desiring to explore a new cultural field are welcome to join us in its study. Work will consist of either analytical writing or creating one’s own comics.
We like the professor Koom Kankesan and this seems like a pretty solid course, all told. Registration is open now!
– Chris @ The Beguiling