Event: SpeakEasy’s Annual Comic Book Show

This isn’t our event, but it’s always a fun evening. If you can make it, go check it out.

SpeakEasy’s Annual Comic Book Show
Thursday November 3rd, 7-11pm
The Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen West, Second Floor Lobby
Pay What You Can ($4.00 Donation Suggested)

Toronto is home to some of the best known comics artists in North America. We have an active and vibrant community putting out some of the highest quality comics to be found anywhere. The SpeakEasy Comics Show features an eclectic mix of Toronto’s talented comic book artists – from those who do newspaper strips and political cartoons, to underground comix and mainstream superhero comic books! The event promises to display an exciting cross-section of the comics community here in Toronto, as well as a glimpse into how good comics are made. As the old cliché goes, there really will be something for everyone.

Participating Artists:
Dalton Sharp, Grawlix comics anthology – Tim Brown, TIC Games – Chris Hatzopoulos, The Bear Stories – Marvin S. Mariano – Shane Heron – Daniel Lafrance – Rachael Wells – Ruth Tait (a.k.a. rutz) – Christopher Yao – Gavin McCarthy – Adam Earle, The Geofriends – Dale Camus – Keith Grachow, Jnk Imagery – Ryan Kevin Persaud – Paul Tomas, SISTINA – Wm Brian MacLean, RoosterTree – Ken Turner – Saraƒin, Asylum Squad

For more information contact: David Brown, email: david@blttogo.com telephone: 416.533.1374, http://www.SpeakEasyTO.com