Action Comics #2 |
The New 52 -MONTH TWO- at One Low Price
Get all 52 new DC Comics second issues for $100 ($88.50+13% HST)
In-store only at The Beguiling
Well that was something! The first month of DC’s 52 relaunched books have come to an end. Some books have met with acclaim, others with derision, but amongst the ones we’ve read it seems that they all want you to read that second issue. So, just like with the #1s, we’re going to make it easy for you.
GET ALL 52 #2 ISSUES FOR $100.
- That’s less than 2 bucks an issue
- It’s like buying 32 issues and getting 20 more of them for free!
- Guaranteed to get all of the issue #2s, first printing, day of release!
- All DC 52 MONTH TWO participants get a 20% discount on any of the second or third printings of the first issues (limit 2 per person)
- You must sign up no later than Tuesday October 4th at 7pm, either in-store or via e-mail.
- If signing up via e-mail, send a message to with your name, phone number, and e-mail address in the body, mentioning that you’d like to participate.
- Payment of $100 to participate must be made no later than Wednesday, October 5th at 9pm, or when you pick up your first week of books, whichever is earlier. You can also totally come in any time before Wednesday to pay, and then pick up your books later.
- Anyone who has not paid for their first week of books by Wednesday October 5th at 9pm will not be allowed to participate in this promotion.
- You don’t need to have participated in the first month to participate in the second. Everyone’s welcome.
- To sign up, we will need your name, email address, and phone number.
- Once you buy in, there are no refunds and no returns, on either the purchase price of the special, or on the price of any of the individual books involved in the promotion.
- All books MUST be picked up in store, no mailorder.
- Voucher must be redeemed and all comics must be picked up no later than December 24th, 2011, at which time we will donate all remaining comics to a charity or organization of our choice.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the first month, and here’s to 4 more weeks of the new 52!
– Chris @ The Beguiling