The Beguiling Back Issue Blowout Phase 03

Another Friday is around the corner and that means the great 2009 Back Issue Blowout Sale marches on. Thank you to everyone who dropped in for Phases 01 and 02 and we hope you continue to find the gems you are looking for as we pull more boxes (heavy heavy boxes) from the vaults for:

PHASE 03: Friday January 16th to Thursday January 22th.

$1 DC ISSUES: This week DC gets the same treatment Marvel had last week. All our long boxes full of recent DC Comics overstock will cost just $1 each.

TONS OF OTHER RECENT ISSUES FOR $1: All our recent overstock from small and medium publishers is going to be on sale for $1 per issue.

MASTERWORKS & ARCHIVES: 50% off selected DC Archives and Marvel Masterworks.

UPSTAIRS MAGAZINE RACK: 30% Off the sticker price of magazines on the upstairs rack. This includes many magazines not discounted in our previous magazine sale including huge runs of Alter Ego, Comic Book Market Place, Back Issue, Write Now, Rough Stuff, Wizard, and many more.

50 CENT BINS: Continuing from Phase 02 the “50 Cent Bin Comics” are still 25 cents each, with the purchase of 40 comics or more. That’s a whopping 40 comics for 10 bucks!

$5 GRAPHIC NOVELS: Also continuing from Phase 02 we have an overflowing long box full of graphic novels all for only $5. Most of these have never have been discounted previously.

1. We reserve the right to refuse sale of any item to any customer for any reason.
2. We will probably not do this, but you’d be amazed at the number of people who insist that certain things are on sale when they’re clearly not or the stickers have been tampered with, so yeah, rule #1.
3. Anything put on hold prior to this sale is entirely exempt from this sale.
4. There is no discount on the back issue bins, magazine bins, or regular comics racks during this sale. Many of the back-issue bins may be partly covered or inaccessible.